Season Finale: Looking back over the season with Sebastian and Emmett

On their return from SXSW, Sebastian and Emmett are back in Europe in their Dublin office to reflect on the first ‘Move Your Business to the United States Podcast’ season. They marvel that it has been almost a year since they embarked on this podcasting venture, recapping some memorable moments and featuring some of the highlights of this chart-topping series, as well as discussing the next season.  Among some of their past podcast interviewees featured are Dan Dilliard, a passionate Austinite who established Founding Austin; Andy Jones, partner at Marvelous Events, as well as Andris Macs from GECKO Governance.

Sebastian Sauerborn: Linkedin

Kevin Turley: Website

 Emmett Glynn: Email

 Founding Austin Magazine

Masters and founders podcast


Dan Dillard: LinkedIn

 Andy Jones: LinkedIn

 Andris Macs: LinkedIn


Season 2 Coming Up!


SXSW Part 4: Enterprise Ireland/Hypersciences